
About Domain Names

Choosing the best domain name is an essential part of setting up a website or online business. You should make sure that your choice is memorable, relevant to your contents and is not already taken.

A domain name is your address on the world wide web, that is how people will find you. Once you have chosen a name that name is yours.

In business it is essential to own your name but we also register lots of family names. As families spread over the world it is easy to keep in touch with your family website.

Nominet Member

The image above is used to show that Poidon is a Nominet™ Registrar. Make sure that when you get a domain name it is from a Nominet™ Registrar so you know that the member is trustworthy and is able to deal with your request correctly.

If you would like to register a domain name please complete this form. If you buy one of our website packages we will give you a domain name for free.